Thursday, July 5, 2018

July 5, 2018 Almeria, Spain

July 5, 2018 
lf I was back in Seattle I would be going to the LA Fitness pool everyday, which can be nice, but also monotonous. And I've found thru Airbnb, in reasonably economical countries, I can keep the lodging within budget (and I don't have a mortgage or lease there in the states, so no financial commitments in the US). But to absorb the cost of the airline ticket getting here I need stay at least 5 or 6 months when I travel. And because Europe has a limit of 90 days every 6 months (that's for all of Europe, not each country-it's called the Schengen zone/agreement), one needs to devise exit points to stay within the 90 day limit yet not have to return to the US, so as to maintain an extended stay travel plan.  Morocco and Tunisia are viable options in the south and Turkey and Georgia work out well on the east (from blogs I've read). 

So it's a life-style that seems to work well. And to just live with some weekly/biweekly/monthly stays between traveling helps me get a feel for the places I visit. I don't rush around looking at tourist attractions, my routine is basically the same as it would be in the US; thus the swimmable beach locations (adds an interesting dimension beyond that of a pool). I feel like the locals and interaction with them has exposed me to realities more relevant than the tourist attractions of bygone eras. I may check some of them out from time to time, but usually I just take in the foreign environment. 

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